It’s more personal, “Nine Inch Nails meets George Michael” in sound

Oct 18, 2011 12:40 GMT  ·  By
Adam Lambert’s second album drops in spring 2012, will be more “personal”
   Adam Lambert’s second album drops in spring 2012, will be more “personal”

Adam Lambert’s debut album, “For Your Entertainment,” was a hit with fans and critics alike. He’s now working on a follow-up material and, while he won’t go into the specifics of it, he does dish some details about it in the latest issue of The Advocate.

The mag recently caught up with Adam and got him to sit down for an interview. Among the topics up for discussion was also his sophomore album, which is believed to drop sometime in the spring of 2012.

Adam clearly knows the hype and anticipation surrounding his second studio release but, by all means, he has no intention of speaking out to relieve either.

He does say though that he’s working hard, writing and recording music in the studio – and that the upcoming material will be more “personal” and, thus, different from the experimental “FYE.”

Asked to describe it, Adam can only think of a mash-up between Nine Inch Nails and George Michael, an unlikely association but one that, he feels, is necessary here.

“No matter what the genre is, it’s all very personal, even on upbeat, fun tracks. The last album was a little bit more of a fantasy escape… even my image for that last album felt very theatrical and kind of over-the-top and intentionally tacky,” he tells the magazine.

“I get a kick out of making artistic statements that are kind of ridiculous,” Adam shares.

For the second album, he’s taking his time because, unlike other pop stars, he doesn’t believe he should rush into anything just yet because he’s too dedicated to his art for that.

“It takes time to get it right. I don’t know how other artists do it, but for this project I’m adopting the mentality of just keep writing and keep recording as much as possible, and then when we know that we’re ready to decide which tracks are going to be on the album, we’ll look at everything and narrow it down,” he explains.

Adam knows that there’s still a lot of pressure on him to deliver a solid album but, unlike with “FYE,” he now has an ace up his sleeve in his loyal fanbase (the Glamberts, as they call themselves).

Still, it’s no walk in the park. “But people recognize me, people know who I am, so hopefully that’ll help. I don’t know. It’s hard,” he says.

The full interview with Adam Lambert for The Advocate is here.