AdBlock is already available for Chrome and Safari

Sep 5, 2012 18:41 GMT  ·  By

Ads make the web go round, without them, the vast majority of websites out there would simply not exist or would be totally different beasts. That said, nobody loves ads, we just tolerate them or maybe like a couple that are interesting or funny.

The vast majority of ads on the web aren't interesting and they're only funny because of how bad they are.

Not to mention that quite a few ads are so annoying that they're distracting you from enjoying whatever site you want to visit. No surprise then that millions of people used ad-blocking browser add-ons and that these add-ons have been the top most downloaded for years.

Firefox has AdBlock Plus, but Chrome, Safari and now Opera have to do with AdBlock. Opera is the latest addition to the list of browsers supported by the AdBlock add-on/extension, created by Michael Gundlach. The Opera version was created and is maintained by contributor Famlam.

There are plenty of ad-blocking add-ons as well, but this new one for Opera is the same one available for Chrome or Safari and shares much of the code since it's mostly JavaScript.

"AdBlock, the most popular add-on for Chrome and for Safari, is now available for Opera! Block all advertisements on all web pages, including Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu," the add-on's description reads.

"And if you're feeling advanced, you can easily create your own filters, subscribe to arbitrary lists, disable AdBlock on a specific site, and much more. It's translated into dozens of languages," it adds.

AdBlock works right out of the box, but you can customize the blocking quite a lot. It also supports the AdBlock Plus filter subscription format, so you can stay up to date with the ad site blacklist. If you want a cleaner web and the current ad-blocking add-ons/extensions available for Opera aren't doing it for you, AdBlock is worth a look.

AdBlock is a new release, for Opera, so it's always getting new features and updates. That said, some features, only work with the upcoming Opera 12.10, formerly Opera 12.50, which is in pre-beta.

AdBlock for Opera is also available for download here.