Get recalled due to fire hazard

Mar 20, 2009 09:40 GMT  ·  By

It appears that there's a time when you need to stay away from high-end gaming rigs, especially if those computer systems can pose a threat to your life. As it turns out, Acer's mean-looking Aspire Predator gaming-focused desktop PCs offer more than a combination of blazing speed and interesting exterior design. These rigs also pose a fire hazard, according to a recent announcement made by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

According to the report, approximately 215 units of two configuration models of Acer's high-end Predator line of desktop PCs, have been recalled due to overheating, burn hazard. The units were sold from May 2008 to December 2008 with a price tag of between $2000 and $6000 and the following model numbers: ASG7200 and ASG7700.

These systems are suspected of an issue with the insulation of the computer's internal wiring, which is subject to bending or getting stripped, resulting into wires overheating while the system is operational. This issue poses a potential fire hazard, which is why some of Acer's Predators have been recalled.

At least two of these systems have been reported to have short-circuited, consequently resulting into melted internal components and external casing. According to the report, none of the two signaled cases have occurred in the U.S. and no injuries were recorded.

Consumers should check for the model number of their product, which is printed on the bottom right corner of the panel on the right side of the system. If their model is among the two reported ones, they are strongly suggested to discontinue using the PC and contact their local Acer representative for a free diagnostic and repair.

The report about the potential fire hazard of Acer's Predator gaming rigs brings a whole new meaning to the saying “hot-looking gaming rig.”