Aug 25, 2011 09:05 GMT  ·  By

Many are waiting for the next ASUS Android tablet, but it looks like, in a way, they will be waiting for it longer than it took for it to be given its first software update, so to speak.

ASUS saw quite a bit of success with the Eee Pad Transformer tablet, so it stands to reason that it hopes to see at least a partially similar level of sales for the Eee Pad Slider.

This second slate has not yet become available, since it will only be released around the middle of September.

Nevertheless, its physical keyboard that can slip behind the main body is something that provides just enough novelty for anticipation to build up.

It turns out, however, that the Slider has become the start in a sort of peculiar show, one involving the Android OS and downloads.

Normally, a tablet or smartphone has to be launched before starting on the everlasting road to further software updates.

In this case, however, the slate might have just gotten its first Android update before it even started selling.

As discovered by web entities, ASUS issued a new firmware for the device, version VL8.6.5..8 (WW).

Essentially, it provides the Android 3.2 operating system, and while an actual change log was not given, it is fairly obvious that Zoom to Fill in apps and the like will all be part of the new functionality.

The ASUS support website should have it up for download, though there isn't really anything it can be downloaded on at the moment.

Fortunately, this does, at least, offer the assurance that the Eee Pad Slider will not experience any last-minute delays.

Prospective customer need only drop by this particular web page in order to acquire whatever download suits their needs best. What remains is to see if the Slider is as well-received by reviewers as the Transformer was.