To make your site more CSS friendly

Nov 24, 2006 14:46 GMT  ·  By

Good news for ASP.NET developers looking to make their websites more CSS friendly. Microsoft has released ASP.NET 2.0 CSS Friendly Control Adapters 1.0. Microsoft has also made sure that the kit will deliver support for Windows Vista using IIS7.

"ASP.NET is a great technology for building web sites but it would be even better if it provided more flexibility for customizing the rendered HTML. You can modify any ASP.NET control so it produces exactly the HTML you want. The key is to use control adapters," reveals a product description from

Via these little pieces of logic added to a website, a developer can adapt an ASP.NET control to produce the HTML. "The ASP.NET 2.0 CSS Friendly Control Adapters kit provides pre-built control adapters that you can easily use to generate CSS friendly markup from some of the more commonly used ASP.NET controls," added

In ASP.NET 2.0 CSS Friendly Control Adapters 1.0, for the sake of functionality, the Redmond Company has limited the volume of modifications compared to the last beta of the product.

ASP.NET AJAX Added control's ID as an attribute in the adapted rendering to support UpdatePanel, etc.

Standards and Accessibility Readonly attribute's value is readonly, not true.

Membership Use client script form submission to support the "link" button type.

Menus Removed line break before close of anchor and span tags (was causing white space to appear in the browser). Removed superfluous CSSBrowserSpecificIEMenu7.css. Fixed IE7 "ghost" menus. Eliminated IEMenu7.css (no special rules are needed any longer for IE7).

TreeView Removed line break before close of anchor and span tags (was causing white space to appear in the browser). Allow multiple TreeView instances on the same page (by registering each submit script separately). Support TreeView.ShowExpandCollapse.

GridView Support HeaderStyle.CssClass, FooterStyle.CssClass and RowStyle.CssClass. (Uncomment code block in GridView adapter to support attributes on rows).

DetailsView and FormView Support TableRow.Visible.