Dec 7, 2010 14:30 GMT  ·  By

Although just about everyone's talking about the brand-new GTX 570 Fermi GPU from NVIDIA right now, we can't help wondering just how AMD will react to this latest addition to the 500 series cards, and for this reason, we simply have to talk a bit about the latest rumor regarding the forthcoming AMD Radeon HD 6970's pricing. So, according to a report by Fudzilla, it would seem that the 6900 series graphics card from AMD will sell for somewhere in the vicinity of 450 US dollars in the United States, while European customers will have to cough up anywhere between 429 and 449 Euro, depending on the local market.

Now, this can either be good news or bad news for AMD, depending strictly on whether the Radeon HD 6970 manages to deliver a significant difference in terms of performance when compared to newly-released GTX 570, because there are quite a few sources already saying that, as far as the GTX 580 vs. Radeon HD 6970 performance benchmark is concerned, the NVIDIA card is pretty much a clear winner.

So, if the difference in terms of performance is notable, than the 100 US dollars separating the two will be something gamers will gladly pay in order to get a more advanced and powerful GPU.

However, if things go the other way around, AMD might really have a problem, with NVIDIA's cheaper GTX 570 providing a much appealing option, especially nowadays, when people are not willing to cough up extra amounts of money unless they're seriously convinced that they're making a good investment.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether AMD will maintain these price points or slash them even further, following the GTX 570's massive rollout, but they still have around 1 week to figure things out, and we're very, very curious to see what will happen.