The latest version of ADCH++ can be downloaded from Softpedia

Jul 20, 2013 09:55 GMT  ·  By

ADCH++, a hub software for the ADC network that implements the ADC protocol and that llows hub owners to further customize the hub using several scripting languages including lua, is now at version 2.11.0.

ADCH++ 2.11.0 supports the latest ADC standard and many of its extensions, encryption via ADCS, Bloom filters to reduce traffic, Ping Extension between hublist and hub, and many other options.

Highlights of ADCH++ 2.11.0:

• The DisconnectTimeout setting has been reinstated, and the default value has been increased from 5 to 10 milliseconds; • The nick validation has been improved; • -Wl and --no-undefined have been made conditional, as required by the Bloom plugin API; • An API has been added to the bloom manager for notifying when the filters get updated.

A complete list of changes can be found inside the source archive.

Download ADCH++ 2.11.0 right now from Softpedia.