The case of a Brazilian woman

Feb 29, 2008 19:06 GMT  ·  By

What you saw in "Total Recall" is beaten by reality. A study published in "Dermatology Online Journal" describes the bizarre case of a 22-year-old woman with a nipple in her sole! At least, the third breast of the mutant woman in the movie was on her chest...

The woman went to the doctors for a lesion in the plantar region of her left foot and what doctors saw was a well-developed nipple surrounded by areola and hair, measuring 4.0 cm in diameter, with no palpable nodes. Microscopic investigation of the dermis encountered hair follicles, eccrine (sweat) glands, and sebaceous glands. Fat tissue was formed at the base of the lesion, but no glandular tissue was encountered.

The woman was born with the sole nipple and did not experience pain, pruritus, or alterations in volume or color. During her pregnancy or postpartum, the extra nipple did not experience modifications and no member of the family had something similar.

The woman had the following gynecological and obstetric history: menarche and thelarche beginning at the age of 12; gravida 1, para 1; birth of her first child at the age of 20.

The medics made an incisional biopsy of the lesion. Clinical and histopathologic analysis showed it was similar to supernumerary breast tissue (pseudomamma).

Supernumerary nipples, and less commonly supernumerary breasts, are encountered in about 1-5% of the population. But usually, these extra nipples are found along the embryonic milk line, from the axilla to the groin. Supernumerary breast tissue (SBT) has been found on the back, shoulder, face, and thigh, but so far, this is the only observation of supernumerary breast tissue on the foot. Polythelia (nipple only) and pseudomamma are the two most common forms of SBT.

Many authors link SBT to renal malformations and abnormalities of the blood, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.

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The nipple on the sole
Close up of the nipple
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