Nov 1, 2010 12:03 GMT  ·  By

A team of researchers at the University of Kansas recently investigated how people interact when they want to enter a relationship, and determined that a little self-awareness goes a long way towards increasing people's chances of finding their better half.

According to assistant professor of communication studies Jeffery Hall, the world of relationships could be significantly improved, to everyone's benefit, by making people more self-aware, but not selfish or self-absorbed.

The investigators and his team surveyed the flirting style and behavior of more than 5,100 dating adults, and studied how each of the participants communicated their romantic interest to their prospective partner.

Throughout the research, the Kansas team identified five main types of flirting, namely physical, traditional, polite, sincere and playful, Science Blog reports.

Scientists could not find any statistically-significant differences in the number of men versus women using either of the five approaches to communicating their intentions.

The new findings could form the basis for future investigations, that would study human courtship behavior in more detail than ever before. Our species has the most complex behavior of this sort in the world.

“Knowing something about the way you communicate attraction says something about challenges you might have had in your past dating life,” Hall explains.

“Hopefully, this awareness can help people avoid those mistakes and succeed in courtship,” he goes on to explains. Additionally, the findings could have implications for society as a whole too, he adds.

“In some ways, the very early part of developing relationships is important to the success of long-term relationships, including marriages,” Hall argues.

Details of the new investigation were published in the October issue of the esteemed scientific journal Communication Quarterly.

As for the five flirting styles, Hall says that physical flirting involves declaration of intent, and is usually practiced by people with more chemistry and greater emotional connections to their future partners.

Those who practice the traditional type always hold in mind that men are to always make the first step, while women should wait to be approached, and not pursue men actively.

Women who practice this type of approach to starting relationships are less likely to flirt with men, or to report being flattered by flirting.

The polite flirt involves the use of proper manners, and avoids innuendos and explicit references to intercourse. People who hook up using this type of flirt are more likely to have meaningful relationships.

People using sincere flirting place increased emphasis on emotions connections and communications, and usually have a very strong relationship after they come together.

Lastly, playful flirting styles lead to very few long-term relationships, but instead contribute to enhancing self-esteem. Important and meaningful relationships rarely stem from this type of flirt.