The iPhone as a time traveling machine

Feb 5, 2007 12:06 GMT  ·  By

Although some studies and experiments on time travel and teleportation are in progress as we speak, there is no public information available concerning a functional time travel machine, apart from the iPhone. Obviously, you'll ask what's the link between the iPhone and time travel, so I'll take advantage of this to guide you into a little journey...

The iPhone may not become the best phone in the world, but it's going to be the best all-around performer, that's how I see things at this time. When taking a closer look at the specifications of this device, is not the music playing capability or the software that was shown so far, but the way it interacts with the user. Although there's a long way ahead, let's try and travel into the future using the iPhone and its technology as a guide, shall we?

No matter how good Vista may look, the real feeling that you get is that you are still away from your computer. After all, it's the mouse and the keyboard, right? At this time, Apple is at the same point, but think about the fact that the iPhone uses a mobile Mac OS X system, and since all those amazing things like resizing photos or browsing your contacts list using your fingers can be done on it now, what about being able to do them with your computer?

At this time, I am sure that pricing for a large touch screen is the major drawback, as well as the complexity of an operating system for desktops able to use this technology, but if we go ahead two years, or maybe more, I am sure that we may have a Mac OS X really close to the user.

After all, what's easier than being literally "in touch" with your computer? I can only dream about drawing with your bare hands, moving windows and resizing them, not to mention how easy would be for children to learn how to use a computer before even learning how to write!

"Only dreams", you may say, but a computer running at 3GHz, with 2GB of memory and a 400GB hard drive was also a dream some time ago, and if I were to choose between a graphics tablet and my hands, I would use the latter. No, I am not a technology fetishist, but I really like dreaming with my eyes open sometimes, and this time, I know Apple is the ones to make this dream reality. The only matter remaining is time, but since I am not 85, I hope to have enough of that...