Delivering news, reviews, columns, editorials and Gamer Diaries

Mar 30, 2014 10:21 GMT  ·  By

The review department of Softpedia Games has long-form evaluations for: InFamous: Second Son, the PlayStation 4 title from developer Sucker Punch and publisher Sony, the Burial at Sea downloadable content for BioShock Infinite, the final title that Ken Levine created at Irrational Games, Crusader Kings II – Rajas of India, which adds new gameplay mechanics and regions to explore, Total War: Rome II – Hannibal at the Gates, a campaign expansion focused on the conflict between Rome and Carthage, and Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls.

We also have two gaming-focused editorials: one dealing with the great Auction House experiment that Blizzard created for Diablo 3 and recently ended, and another about Facebook and the Oculus Rift.

The Weekend Reading piece talks about the way seemingly casual titles, like Game of Thrones: Ascent, can hide a surprisingly hardcore community.

We also have Gamer Diaries for Hannibal at the Gates, the new campaign for Total War II, and the Rajas of India expansion for Crusader Kings II.

The EndWeekGame piece talks about how we plan to spend our free time and we also have a selection of the most important pieces of news from the past seven-day period.

On Monday, Nintendo announced that the Wii U will get 60 titles created using Unity and while more details were offered about the villains of the new Batman: Arkham Knight.

At the same time, Microsoft revealed that it might add a paid alpha feature for the Xbox One.

On Tuesday, Square Enix revealed the benefits of subscribing to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, rumors appeared about the possibility of emulating PS2 and PSOne games on the PlayStation 4 and DICE announced the delay of the Naval Strike DLC for Battlefield 4 on the PC and Xbox One.

Wednesday saw a new Tropico 5 trailer appear, focused on El Presidente, and Respawn talk about the way new game modes will be added to Titanfall and Facebook announce that it was acquiring the Oculus Rift virtual reality company.

On Thursday, Decapre from Ultra Street Fighter 4 received more details and a Sony executive suggested that The Last of Us will arrive on the PlayStation 4 during the summer months.

At the same time, Rocksteady talked about the new Arkham Knight character for its upcoming Batman title.

On Friday, Microsoft revealed a new version of Kinect for the PC, with improved tech, and BioWare talked about the 40 different endings of Dragon Age: Inquisition, just as Infinity Ward teased the introduction of a Predator enemy in Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Saturday Microsoft talked about a potential Halo 2 Anniversary edition and its multiplayer while a launch date for Minecraft on the Xbox One was confirmed as being near.