The Internet radio that brings only good news

Sep 24, 2008 19:21 GMT  ·  By

Euphobia. The fear of hearing good news. Sounds really tough, if you ask me. And it looks like this is some serious condition since people have dedicated a lot of efforts trying to cure or alleviate its consequences. One of the psychological treatments, if I may call it so, involved the exposure of the subject to light-hearted pieces of news, gradually increasing the "goodness level" until he/she would get more familiar with and less scared of them.  

Now it's no longer necessary to pay a lot of visits to your psychologist because of a truly groundbreaking invention: the Ticker Tape wireless Internet radio, a piece of technology that delivers user-oriented content.  

The Ticker Tape can be legitimately described as one true glimpse into the future of Internet radio. As the radio has moved slowly from its terrestrial field to the digital area, more and more features have become available besides the traditional flux of data, be it news, music, sports and pretty much anything else. Associated data has also become a standard and started to offer users the possibility to choose and select various broadcasts according to numerous criteria, in order to obtain the best relevance in relation to what they actually wanted to receive.

  Once with the so-called Web 2.0, the interactivity between the human subjects and all the data surrounding us increased and that's how the invention of Ticker Tape became possible. Will Carey, the designer behind this radio unit, managed to blend in both functionality and sense and embed all the necessary functions in a shape that's strikingly simple.

  Mr. Carey's project is by all means strong proof of thinking outside the box: this time we're dealing with shapes that haven't been created with a marketing purpose in mind. On the interactivity side, the Ticker Tape sports the oddest command method: you decide the length of the news report period by pulling a measuring tape-like cord straight from inside the apparatus.

  The very essence of the ticker tape suggests the news and novelty character of what's happening and, if you ask me, I'd say that such an approach was exceptionally inspired, to say the least. As time goes by, the cord will of course retract and it will also give you info regarding the remaining time, in a very visual and intuitive manner.

  You can browse through the news feeds carefully selected by the Ticker Tape website by turning an old-school dial with an active display to give you hints on what you've tuned in to. Unfortunately, there's no word on prices for the Ticker Tape so far. Despite its rather exclusive nature, it might prove that such dedicated and personalized orientation of news broadcasts could easily be used for larger-scale operations.

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Photo Gallery (4 Images)

Will Carey's Ticker Tape, a radio with therapeutical purposes
The Ticker Tape: an Internet radio with a strong personal characterThis radio looks great and will deliver you only good news