Chris Reynolds says he would have repaid the national debt with the money

Jul 18, 2013 08:59 GMT  ·  By

A man from Media, Pennsylvania was temporarily made a quadrillionaire by an error in the PayPal computing system.

Chris Reynolds went from having $140 (€106) in his account to the balance showing $92 quadrillion (€70 quadrillion).

According to Christian Science Monitor, he got scared when he saw the large number and panicked, thinking that it was put in his credit balance.

That would have been impossible, however, since it turned out to be 5,411 times the United States national debt.

When he posted the balance on Facebook, he learned that the sum was in is debit account. He contacted the company and they apologized for a glitch causing the error, but he did think that he would pay the national debt should he have the money.

“I’m just a modest man. I would want to buy something for myself — maybe the Philadelphia Phillies, if I found a good deal. The rest of it, I’d invest, because that’s what my father-in-law would want me to do,” Reynolds adds.