Jim Morris has a flawless figure, has been a vegan for 7 years

Jan 11, 2014 00:36 GMT  ·  By

Green group PETA has recently launched a new campaign intended to – what else – convince people to quit eating meat and dairy, and opt for vegan dishes instead.

For this campaign, the organization teamed up with Jim Morris, a bodybuilder who, at one point in his career, worked as a bodyguard for Elton John, Ecorazzi tells us.

In an interview with members of said organization, the 77-year-old bodybuilder explains that he has been a vegan for about 7 years now, and that this lifestyle suits him just right.

He details that he did not switch from being a meat-eater to being a vegan overnight, but that the instead had a transition period during which he embraced a vegetarian diet.

In his interview, Jim Morris details that, back in the days when he would enjoy a steak or two on a fairly regular basis, he experienced several health problems that made it difficult for him to enjoy life.

He says that, now that he is a vegan, his quality of life is greatly improved. What's more, he can finally be proud of the fact that his lifestyle does not strain the environment or support animal cruelty.

PETA maintains that, just like this bodybuilder, other people can also find that a vegan diet is best. Furthermore, the organization argues that folks that do not eat meat and dairy live about 6-10 years longer than people who do.