Kathi Williams weighed 387 pounds (175.4 kg) nearly 3 years ago, before her transformation

Nov 20, 2013 02:41 GMT  ·  By
As she was: before the weight loss, Kathi Williams weighed 387 pounds (175.4 kg)
   As she was: before the weight loss, Kathi Williams weighed 387 pounds (175.4 kg)

Here’s an inspirational story that can either put a smile on your face or (hopefully) get you off the couch and moving: Kathi Williams, who weighed 387 pounds (175.4 kg) at her heaviest, has managed to turn her life around and lose more than half her body weight in her 60s.

Not only is her example good for all those saying certain obstacles can’t be overcome, but also for those using their age as deterrent in doing something. Kathi is living proof that you’re never too old and never too heavy to do something about your weight problem.

Three years ago, as she says in The Today video embedded below, Kathi weighed a scary 387 pounds (175.4 kg) and was plagued by a series of health problems, from depression to high cholesterol, hypertension and fibromyalgia.

Because getting out of bed was a true challenge, she would spend entire days without leaving it, eating junk food and gorging on empty calories. She was sure not to get out of bed on weekends, eating ice cream, M&Ms, chips and family-sized bags of pretzels with butter.

Kathi was depressed and so unhealthy that she could hardly take a few steps without feeling out of breath or in pain all over.

All that is history now because, 3 years ago, she and a friend joined the Joy Fit Club on a two-for-the-price-of-one offer and it has changed her life. Granted, this feels like an endorsement but let’s not lose sight of what’s important here: a lesson in life, in how you can improve it by ditching unhealthy habits and learning healthy ones.

It took Kathi 3 whole years to lose 250 pounds (113.3 kg) but she did it by combining healthy eating with regular exercise, which means that she didn’t even need surgery to remove excess skin from the weight loss.

Her favorite snacks include now hummus and carrot sticks, yoghurt and nuts but, more importantly, she’s changed her entire relationship with food. “Food no longer consumes me. I consume it, and enjoy every minute of it,” she says.