IBM really started out big, literally, when it got into the technology business

Dec 28, 2011 21:41 GMT  ·  By

People know, in principle, that tech products used to be a lot bigger and weaker than PCs are today, but it might be hard to gain perspective.

Fortunately, there were ways of taking photos even half a century ago, so we can see for ourselves what a hard disk drive looked like. The Next Web dug up some things on the IBM 305 RAMAC, a 'super' computer with a hard disk drive of no less than 5MB.

Don't be fooled: that thing up there in the photo is just the HDD.

Indeed, back in 1956, 5 MB HDDs were as big as a washing machine (or two) and needed forklifts to be moved around.

This goes to show just how much and how fast technology advanced once the world recovered from the convalescence of the world wars.