The game is ready to accomodate new characters and storylines

Jul 3, 2012 20:31 GMT  ·  By

DC Comic and Sony Online Entertainment have big plans when it comes to the future of the MMO DC Universe Online and they say that gamers should think about their favorite comic book arcs and characters and how they might fit inside the game.

Jens Andersen, who is the director working on DC Universe Online, has told PC Gamer that, “Never say never. There are some books characters that, at face value, may not seem to fit. The beauty of this brand, however, is that it can all be justified through proper narrative context.”

The example that Andersen has given is that of the Sandman line from Neil Gaiman, adding, “But I would never say that we couldn’t find a way to get Dream, Delirium and their brothers and sisters involved, if we had a great story to tell that could be supported with our gameplay. So, no, nothing is officially off the table.”

The developer believes that the game is flexible enough to allow for content taken from new 52 line of rebooted comics to be brought into DC Universe Online, but it will take time for the team to look at the way the characters evolve and at how their powers and abilities can be moved to the MMO space.

When the game was first announced by Sony Online Entertainment, the game was supposed to rival World of Warcraft from Blizzard but it failed to gain traction after a strong debut.

Sony made the move of offering the title under the new free-to-play business model and it quickly gained a new audience.

Sony is offering constant content updates for the game, including new villains to battle and sets of powers that gamers can try out.

Gazillion and Marvel are working on a similar MMO based upon the heroes of the other big comic book company.