Bought at an auction in China

Jan 9, 2007 14:19 GMT  ·  By

Most people around the world believe in luck and even more in bad luck and I'm pretty sure you will agree with me on this one. If you won't, I have an example to give you when the belief in lucky charms has made a person pay a lot of many to be sure the luck will come in great quantities over the next period. How come this has happened and where?

The place of the story is in Eastern China, of course, and if you didn't know it, there is the place where most of the population is superstitious beyond belief.

South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper, has reported that a mobile phone number with six consecutive eights has been sold for 44.000 US dollars.

That number has been auctioned by the Jiangxi branch of the giant China Mobile mobile phone operator and as it seems, that single number has brought them the first drop of luck.

What is behind all the fuss about this phone number? Chinese numerology says the number eight gives the most chances of prosperity to people and as previously reported in China, almost anything containing consecutive eights is doomed to be auctioned in the end.

I don't really get it, maybe because I am not a man that believes in such things as superstitions and I consider everyone makes his/her own luck, but this has opened an entire new world full of possibilities in front of me.

If before I thought Chinese people were leaving a dull life, only thinking about kung-fu and Peking duck, I have finally learned the truth. Not only do they like to do crazy stuff like paying lots of money on something totally useless but they probably also have some kind of "eight hunters" roaming the country all day long in search of things containing possible lucky charms, things that later can be sold, as we have already learned, for small fortunes.

Ain't this a way to get rich easy and fast? The mobile phone manufacturers should give this a thought and just make a cellphone model named with a long series of eights and it will surely be a big hit somewhere in China, if not all over it.

Pretty easy to make money in China, some of us might say :).