Jan 18, 2011 16:26 GMT  ·  By

Facebook doesn't reveal much data about the company or the site, financial or otherwise. But it does provide advertisers with an estimate of the number of users by country and demographics. Analyzing this indirect data you can draw all manner of conclusions, especially when correlating it with other stats.

Entrustet, for example, used the number of users in the US along with official government statistics to come up with the number of Facebook users that die each year.

That may be a little morbid and it's just using publicly available data, but the numbers can be rather interesting nonetheless.

"[In July] we estimated that just under 385,000 US based Facebook users would pass away in the next year. We extrapolated this data to the rest of Facebook’s 500 million users and estimated that 1.5 million Facebook users worldwide would pass away in the next year," Entrustet writes.

"I just updated our estimate for 2011 and we’re now estimating that 408,000 US Facebook users will pass away in 2011 and 1.78 million worldwide," it added.

That's a staggering number, but it comes with the territory when you're a site with an estimated 600 million users. With so many people, of all ages, using the social network, it shouldn't really be much of a surprise. Figuring out how many Facebook users die each year is probably not something that occurs to most people though.

Note though that since the data Facebook provides is an estimate and is in now way endorsed as being the actual number of users, it may not be extremely accurate.

This would partially explain the fact that 11 million 20- to 24-year-olds have joined Facebook for a total of 33 million in the past six months. Another possible explanation is that many may have duplicate, fake accounts, understandable since Facebook tends to bundle your friends, parents and colleagues all together. [via All Facebook]