...and Cisco routers

Dec 12, 2005 16:01 GMT  ·  By

A recent survey regarding what hackers will be mostly interested in next year reveals that their attention will turn more towards mobile devices, Cisco routers and the new Microsoft operating system, Windows Vista.

According to Symantec specialists, mobile devices, Cisco routers and Oracle software will be the most targeted objectives for hackers next year and as soon as Microsoft Vista will hit the market, everybody expects their attention to shift towards the new prey.

All these targets will be interesting for hackers, especially those who want to have financial benefits from their actions and not to just prove how skilled they are in defeating security systems. Windows Vista will most likely see just a few good days of peace and quiet before hackers start throwing in the heavy artillery and try to break through the security systems. This is also what SANS Institute specialists concluded, based on the high frequency of Microsoft issued security patches and the even greater number of missing patches for reported vulnerabilities.

Attacking mobile phones saw its early days this year, but as of 2006 things should pick up the pace and more and more attacks will target these devices.