Security breach at a Downingtown school

May 20, 2008 14:07 GMT  ·  By

It's not the first time we see such a security breach, but it seems like schools simply don't want to improve their security systems in order to protect the students and staff data. However, a few days ago, a 15-year-old student of the Downingtown West High School broke into the school computer system and accessed all kinds of details, including here names and social security numbers, the school announced in a statement. After a weekend of investigations, it has been proved that the exposed pieces of information were dated 2005, all the ones affected being informed of the breach by email or by letters.

According to the same statement, the security breach occurred during the students' study hall, a special time when students "are authorized to use the school's computer for studying and research." The 15-year-old managed to infiltrate into the computer using a software application and, after he accessed the data, he copied it on a USB stick. Moreover, the stolen information was then copied on the personal computer at home but it seems like the students didn't make use of it.

As part of the investigation, the home computer was sized by the police, the student and his parents have been questioned over the security breach. Apparently, the boy didn't break into the school computers in order to steal information and use it in identity theft scams. All he wanted was actually to prove he's able to get into the computers and steal the private details.

As mentioned, similar breaches also occurred in the past but in most cases, students attempted to get into their school computers in order to modify grades for certain exams. However, some hackers also tried to reach these computers because they store a large amount of information which could be obviously used in identity theft scams.