Sarah Merkle has been taught how to shoot a gun at age seven

Apr 11, 2013 12:07 GMT  ·  By

A speech made against stricter gun control by a high-school student from Maryland is gaining momentum on the eve of the Senate Hearing on the matter.

15-year-old Sarah Merkle argued her case in front of the Maryland State Legislature in March, Today notes. She speaks of learning how to shoot at age seven, hinting that it hasn't made her a violent person.

Merkle's discourse centers around the old “guns don't kill people, people kill people” argument. She brings up an incident that took place in China at about the same time as the Newtown, Connecticut shooting.

As I also reported at the time, 22 children and an adult were hurt when a man went on a stabbing spree in China, at an elementary school.

While Merkle's point is valid, she fails to mention that, unlike kids at Sandy Hook, none of the Chinese children died after the attack.