The item features foie gras, caviar and shaved truffles

May 14, 2013 09:11 GMT  ·  By

Bacon Week celebrations in Australia have been the perfect occasion to roll out an egg sandwich that costs $120 (€90).

This exquisite creation is the brainchild of 4Fourteen chef Carla Jones, and it includes some pretty pricey ingredients, such as foie gras, caviar and shaved truffles.

Crème fraiche, bacon, Cheddar and smoked tomatoes are added to that mix. The main ingredient is a duck egg fried in a pan.

The buns are baked from scratch, Huffington Post details. Just to make my mouth water even more, this sandwich is dished out with a side of fries, but a bit of shaved truffle aioli is added to them, making the meal quite the aristocratic delight.

The item is being offered in limited edition for a week, during the promotional Bacon Week organized by Australian Pork Limited.