Dock compatible with phones, tablets and e-readers alike

Dec 28, 2011 10:14 GMT  ·  By

Looks like it took a 12 year-old to come out and invent something that should have been created a long time ago.

Dino Zaharakis, who already has a Global Student Entrepreneur Award for High School and a “Most Innovative Product” award, designed the Dzdock.

Dino looked at phones, tablets, e-readers and other consumer electronics and tried to make a dock that could accommodate them, in landscape or portrait positions, whether or not they happen to be inside a skin or case.

He also ensured that the Dzdock allowed for devices to be placed on it and removed without disconnecting the cable.

Lastly, he wanted to make certain that the item could be made in the USA instead of China or Korea or Taiwan, or wherever IT electronics vendors have factories and manufacturing partners.

All in all, the Dzdock (official page is here) actually comes in several, very simple shapes and is small enough to be tucked into any small handbag.

Dzdock (10 Images)

The Dzdock
The DzdockThe Dzdock