She smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for most of her life

Sep 30, 2013 14:05 GMT  ·  By

A 111-year-old woman from Bridlington, east Yorkshire, in the UK claims that her longevity is based on her alcohol and nicotine consumption.

Widow Dorothy Peel has been a smoker for most of her life and she has given up the habit eight years ago. When she was 103 years old, she got bronchitis and she was warned about risking her life.

Dorothy's favorite drink is pink champagne, which she only drinks on Christmas and New Year's. She used to drink more before starting to live in a care facility, 13 years ago.

“I drank regularly throughout the day. In the morning I had half a pint of sherry, for lunch a gin and tonic and around 7pm a small ginger ale with a bit of whisky. These days I just have a sherry now and again,” she describes for the Daily Star.

Even now, she picks out her own outfits, dresses herself and only wears heels.